Need no-meat, extremely low fat protein options to manage gall stone issues. Having trouble finding both low fat and no meat options.
Had nasty visit to the ER with a gall bladder attack several weeks ago. GP says I have to pretty much cut out ALL fats in my diet if I don't want surgery right away. Not many recipes around that meet the criteria for no fat and no meat proteins both. Family has been game to try some things, but we're all getting tired of beans and brown rice, so I'm finding I am back-sliding and eating meat because it is what we know. Dr. had very few suggestions aside from stating I need to cut out all fats. Most folks opt for the surgery because it's easier than altering their diet, so he had no prepared hand-outs on what I should be eating. Surgery is not an option right now for me.
The recipes are based on a low fat vegan diet for people with risk factors for heart disease, but there are plant based proteins used and it's very low fat.
And a trip to the bookstore (or Amazon) is certainly easier than surgery! Perhaps Vegetable Literacy, and also we are loving The New Persian Kitchen.