I started to slow cook my roast after about 2 hours the electricity flickered and turned off the cock pot returned home several hours later to find th

off the cock pot. Can I restart the cork pot or is my roast bad now ?
tags: protein

sonja Dickey


nutcakes September 7, 2014
No, this is not safe to eat. You are talking "several hours" in the danger zone. If I follow you, it was safely heated for 2 hours which would heat but not cook a roast through, so partially raw in center still. Then it turned off and was left out at warm unsafe temperature for "several hours". It would only have been safe if it was kept hot above the danger zone of 140F (or chilled below 40F). So that is several hours of harmful bacteria multiplying rapidly in a moist warm environment. Do not serve this to anyone you could make them very sick.

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Sara G. September 6, 2014
Iffy. I might just try to finish cooking it at a higher temp (at least for some of the remaining cook time) to kill any germs.
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