Salmon roe uses?

Uses for fresh salmon roe - besides on a cracker?

Sara Griffin
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amysarah September 9, 2014
amysarah September 9, 2014
Oops. (How about that edit button?) Anyway - a simple omelet, maybe with a little chopped chives folded in, topped with a dollop of sour cream/creme fraiche and spoonful of roe is lovely.
jimmyray September 8, 2014
Tarama such as this David Lebovitz recipe:
HalfPint September 8, 2014
I would say cure it,

and use in creamy pasta dishes (my simplest is fettucine with creme fraiche, roe, and lemon zest/juice), top cucumber rounds along with some creme fraiche
tina September 8, 2014
i use it to top smoked salmon canapes; grilled bread, a spread of remoulade, crispy lettuce heart, scrambled eggs and a slice of smoked salmon. you only need a few roe 'jewels" on each slice as they are quite salty.
Summer O. September 8, 2014
Homemade sushi, it's good on roasted potatoes with creme fraiche, also good on a bagel instead of or with lox, on soft boiled eggs or scrambled.
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