My boiled frosting isn't whipping up, it's just liquid. What did I do wrong?

Jesse Gallant


Laurie15 September 29, 2014
Sometimes boiled frosting doesn't have eggs -- what is the recipe?
Susan W. September 21, 2014
Boiled frosting is not easy. I have had many fails. I have better luck when I let the sugar water go a little beyond soft boil stage. aren't using egg whites from a carton are you?
Maura September 21, 2014
Egg whites will beat up beautifully as long as you use a very clean and dry mixing bowl, are at room temperature and most important, the whites must be absolutely free of any fat in the form of yolk. Even the slightest bit will prevent the whites from whipping up. Be careful not to over beat which will become apparent visually by no longer looking light and smooth, but irregular or "broken". If this happens, start over. Additionally, eggs that have been in your frig a while will beat better than very fresh eggs, and as I said better results at room temp.
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