Where can I buy blue corn(dried) for tortillas. I will use vitamix mixer to make flour. I live in toronto but I can buy online

  • Posted by: Tasha
  • October 13, 2014


healthierkitchen October 14, 2014
Take a look at the Santa Fe School of Cooking site. I bet you can even talk to someone there for more info. http://santafeschoolofcooking.com/On-line_Market/Specialty_Foods/index.html
HalfPint October 13, 2014
I don't think you can use cornmeal or corn flour to make tortillas. In order to make masa, the cornmeal needs to be treated and processed with slake lime. Process is called nixtamalization and it softens the corn so that you can make the masa for the tortilla. I would search for blue corn masa. I think blue corn masa can be ordered online at Amazon.
Susan W. October 13, 2014
Actually, there are probably as many recipes out there calling for blue cornmeal, if not more, as recipes that call for blue masa. I'm wondering if blue masa is hard to find and if the tortillas are a cross between a corn and flour tortilla. They also call for ap flour.
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