Leftover and French pastry...this concept doesn't compute. Eating them would be the most delightful, but if that's not an option, wrap them well and freeze. Next time you need a fancy dessert, but don't have time to conjure one up, you'll be glad.
Thanks so much!! I made a bread pudding and I used the apple and pear to make a wonderful stuffing mixed with cornbread, Just tasted it and it is divine!!!
If you just have a few, run the leftover pastries thru your food processor and dust the crumbs on a buttered springform pan. Perfect 'crust' for cheesecake!
Assuming you have eaten some and saved a couple of days worth to have with tea or coffee maybe you can freeze them? If you do it in manageable amounts or wrap in parchment you can defrost them as needed and perk them up in a warm oven.
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