Do you use a dip for scotch eggs? If so what's a good one?

  • Posted by: Tasha
  • November 14, 2014


bigpan November 16, 2014
In the UK you use HP sauce. The closest to that in USA is A1 Steak Sauce.
amysarah November 14, 2014
I think some sort of mustard or mustard sauce is traditional (or so I've heard.) But I think a chutney would also work really well. Speaking of which - lately I've been kind of addicted to this one, from South Africa: Have to admit I originally bought it (at a local shop) because I loved the design of its bottle/label - but it really is wonderful stuff.

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Sam1148 November 14, 2014
A mustard / mayo mix. Usually just a smear on the plate.
Pegeen November 14, 2014
Jamie Oliver serves them with cheese and pickle. But any sauce that goes well with sausage and egg will work. A lot of places use ranch dressing or a thick mustard vinaigrette.
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