vanilla extract differences

I've been buying Trader Joe's vanilla extract and the bottle says: Pure bourbon vanilla extract. What's the diif. between this and say, McCormick's pure vanilla extract, and how does it affect the taste of baked goods, etc? Thx.

  • Posted by: barb48
  • November 14, 2014


nutcakes November 15, 2014
Bourbon vanilla is the name for the vanilla grown in Madagascar and is supposed to have a strong and superior tastes. Likely the supermarket vanilla is made from cheaper beans grown elsewhere.
nutcakes November 15, 2014
Bourbon vanilla is the name for the vanilla grown in Madagascar and is supposed to have a strong and superior tastes. Likely the supermarket vanilla is made from cheaper beans grown elsewhere.
Meaghan F. November 15, 2014
I did a quick Google for "vanilla extract test" and came up with articles y trusted sources like Serious Eats and America's Test Kitchen - I'd suggest reading a couple of those for the expert's take. To sum up, though, it seems that in baking the differences between fancy and "normal" extract pretty much go out the window, but that in colder desserts like pudding quality matters.
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