What are some authentic Chinese street food?

I know baozi and dumplings. I'm more interested in the small dim sum or less known snacks like in Xi'an or Chengdu. Recipes would be great. Also I had a sort of cake filled with a type of cream in Xi'an this past summer, but I can't figure out the name (Similar to a Shi Zi Bing)! Thanks!

Noah Truwit


cory November 26, 2014
This is one of the most authentic and famous street food in Xi'an , marinated meat in baked bun,in Chinese call "ROU JIA MO". If you are interested in any kind of Chinese food especially ,I can share recipes with you.
Noah T. November 26, 2014
That would be amazing! Can we message?
Noah T. November 26, 2014
Do you have a recipe for shui juan bao (shengjian)? or nan gua bing?
cory November 26, 2014
Hi,I am cory from China.
I know a shi zi bing , in English is Persimmon cake, am I right?
Did you try marinated meat in baked bun in XI'an ,that's my favorite!
Noah T. November 26, 2014
You are right! This cake was similar but had a different filling. What is the Chinese name for the marinated meat? 肉夹馍?
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