Jurassic cabbage help!

I got a 6 1/2 lb. cabbage in the CSA today -- seriously, it's the size of a basketball. Any favorite recipes that use up large amounts of the stuff?

Kristen W.


Kristen W. December 19, 2014
Thanks so much - these are awesome ideas! Kimhw, when you say caramelized cabbage, do you mean you sliced it thin and slow-cooked it on the stovetop, or something else?
Bevi December 18, 2014
This is a great recipe for a cabbage Kulebiaka: http://www.centre-consul.ru/engrussiacuisine14.html

I made one last year, and it was really good. It takes a bit of time to get the ingredients together, but the presentation is lovely, the recipe uses lots of cabbage, and it tastes good.
Greenstuff December 18, 2014
Must be a lot of big cabbages in CSA boxes this fall--here's a Hotline discussion from a month ago, asking what to do with a beachball-sized cabbage https://food52.com/hotline/26521-beachball-sized-cabbage
kimhw December 18, 2014
That was mine! I ended up doing a lot with it. Kimchi, sauerkraut, caramelized cabbage( freezes and defrosts great!), cabbage soup, cabbage and noodles. I ended up with a couple of really large ones.
PS turkey Rubens with homemade sauerkraut and homemade Russian dressing is a new post thanksgiving tradition!!!!
Panfusine December 18, 2014
I shred the large heads, use some right away and freeze the rest. My go to is a South Indian style stir Fry.- In a large wok, heat up 2-3 Tbsp of oil and add a teaspoon each of black mustard seeds and cumin along with 1 red arbol chili - broken into 2 - (add in some curry leaves if you have any). once the mustard sputters toss in a cup of frozen peas (or a mix with carrots) along with 2 cups of the shredded cabbage, sprinkle some turmeric powder and salt and stir fry it on high until the frozen veggies are cooked.
cookbookchick December 18, 2014
Panfusine, do you process the shredded cabbage in any way before freezing it? Blanch, steam?
Maedl December 18, 2014
Krautfleckerln, a Central European recipe for cabbage and noodles is very easy and good--and seasonal. See recipe at http://www.saveur.com/article/Recipes/Cabbage-and-Noodles
You can also make sauerkraut, which will preserve the cabbage for later use.
Kristen W. December 18, 2014
Oh, I hadn't thought of kimchi - great idea!
Nancy December 18, 2014
two that will last/can be stored long-term: kimchi, cabbage strudel.
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