Holiday Food swap disappointment

I entered your food swap in good faith. I put together a wonderful package for my giftee and she received it on the 17th of Dec. I have yet to receive acknowledgment from her. I have not received a package from whomever was to send me one. I have commented on this on a couple of different places and nobody from food52 seems to care. Do you have ways of getting me a package? I did look so forward to this, now am just bitter.

nancy essig


soleilnyc January 18, 2015
I've never hear of the Food Swap, and I've been on here a while now! Where do I get info for this next year? I promise not to stiff anyone :)
soleilnyc January 18, 2015
*heard. ugh, butter fingers.
Lindsay-Jean H. January 19, 2015
You'll see the Holiday Secret Swap announced via an article, which will include information on how to sign up. This was last year's:
luvcookbooks January 15, 2015
I disappointed someone last year b/I a prolonged asthma exacerbation (gift arrived late) and decided not to participate this year because it was so disappointing to the recipient. I hope next year to have a box ready when I sign up, so all I have to do is mail it. It's so dun doing the swap, I think overall it's a success and I hope you participate again.
luvcookbooks January 15, 2015
I disappointed someone last year b/I a prolonged asthma exacerbation (gift arrived late) and decided not to participate this year because it was so disappointing to the recipient. I hope next year to have a box ready when I sign up, so all I have to do is mail it. It's so dun doing the swap, I think overall it's a success and I hope you participate again.
Liza's K. January 15, 2015
It's really unfortunate that you didn't receive any acknowledgement. Unfortunately, I also didn't receive a gift, but hadn't mentioned it because I suspect I'm having mail problems (long story) and I hate to think the worst of people. But at the same time, it should have arrived by now. However, the person who received mine was incredibly gracious and Facebook/Tweeted/Tumblr'd immediately. It made me very happy to see she was enjoying everything. It's just one of those things I guess.
creamtea January 13, 2015
Just as there will likely always be "stiffers", don't forget sometimes life gets in the way. I say this after having experienced (and still experiencing) a loss in husband's family, serious illness in my family requiring an extended stay, and my child's upcoming surgery. Doesn't account for slackers, of which there are some, but folks can't always communicate if major stuff is going on.

Voted the Best Reply!

Susan W. January 13, 2015
Your post put into words the thoughts that have been swirling in my head.

I chose not to participate because of things going on in my life. I knew they were coming. I'll bet there were people who had unexpected things come up. Life can be hard. For me, giving is much better than receiving.
AntoniaJames January 12, 2015
So sorry to hear that, but it happens. I sent Noelle a note a few weeks ago offering to send a package to anyone who joined the swap but was stiffed. I haven't heard back from her, but if you want to send me your address via my profile, I'd be delighted to send you some treats, etc., later this week! ;o)
nancy E. January 12, 2015
My goodness Ms. James, what a very generous offer . Though I am tempted by your stellar reputation in the kitchen, I cannot expect you to make up for others faults. This was a Christmas thing and Christmas is over. I guesss this happened for a reason and that is to test my faith in Food52 and join again next year and hope for a better outcome. Being a part of a community that is so kind and generous is a gift in itself. Thanks to you and all these other wonderful people.
AntoniaJames January 14, 2015
nancy essig, it would actually give me a great deal of pleasure to do this. My offer remains open! ;o)
nancy E. April 21, 2015
Hello Antonia, I am wondering if you ever got this package off to me or if it was forgotten. I am finding this whole episode to be a big lesson in dealing with disappointment.
nancy E. January 12, 2015
Oh, of course, Doh! I checked that every day.
nancy E. January 12, 2015
What is tumblr?
Merrill S. January 12, 2015
nancy E. January 12, 2015
Every one of you ladies are sweet and generous and caring. that is what I signed up for. thank you all for your assistance and kind words.
nashama January 12, 2015
Nancy, did you look on the tumblr page? I received a lovely gift and had just moved (read as: couldn't find thank you notes in the mess), but uploaded a pic with a public thank you - and am just now getting around to sending a written thank you note. Maybe your gift receiver did that?
I'm sorry you were disappointed. I have to admit that I was hesitant to sign up because that has been my experience (in other swaps) but I received a lovely package. Don't lose heart! Hopefully you'll have a better experience next year!
cookinginvictoria January 12, 2015
Nancy, have you received Noelle's email address? If not, let me know and I will DM it to you. She may be able to find out more info for you and hopefully rectify the situation.

I am so sorry that your holiday swap experience was disappointing. Like some of the other responders, I have participated every year since the swap was created (from Canada, no less!) and it's always been wonderful. I've always had different giftees and have received and been given lovely homemade goodies and other holiday gifts. It's very disheartening to hear that some Food52ers sign up for the swap but do not follow through with either sending gifts or acknowledging ones that they have received. Hopefully, with your feedback, Noelle can fix any hiccups, so that the program works better for everyone next year.
signe January 12, 2015
Sounds like there are more takers than receivers in this program and no way to know the difference. I noticed responses were from those who gave and not one from a recipient/giver.
nancy E. January 12, 2015
We were all givers and we were all takers. It was a gift SWAP.
Panfusine January 12, 2015
So sorry about your double disappointment. I've been doing this for 4 years and have had a wonderful experience every time. This time however, the person I sent the gift to was a complete dead end. no reply even to my email. It seems like there are some individuals who sign up without realizing that this is something we take very seriously and look forward to as a highlight of the holiday season. some of the sign ups are pretty much Inactive on food52, other than signing up, they do not participate actively in recipes or discussions. Wonder if there is a correlation between this category and the defaulters of the secret santa swap..
ChefJune January 11, 2015
Nancy, I too was disappointed to not hear from the person I sent a gift to. And I wrote about it in another thread in HotLine. Then yesterday I received a lovely snail mailed thank you note that made me feel badly for complaining. In these days of emails and instant gratification, I had failed to think of the possibility my giftee might have written me a letter! I hope that's what happened to yours.
pamelalee January 11, 2015
In the instructions for the food swap, Noelle has always been very clear about not signing up if you’re not going to follow through. She is also clear about the importance of sending your gifter a thank you note. Unfortunately, there will always be people who haven’t learned the importance of being faithful to a commitment as well as those who have not learned proper manners. I had a similar experience to yours last year. I notified Noelle when I signed up this year, and she worked it so that my experience would be positive this time. I encourage you to get in touch with her.
nancy E. January 11, 2015
Thank you Pamela Lee, I feel a little silly being so sad about this but I was so stoked about the whole idea.
SKK January 11, 2015
Thank you, Pamelalee. Important to note that Noelle is a volunteer who originated the idea of Holiday Food Swap quite awhile ago. As a community we get to have this work - communicate with Noelle, thank her, and communicate with the person who was to send your gift and let her/him know of your disappointment. The majority of givers/receivers worked. Important to highlight the cases where it did not so we can all have it work next year.
SKK January 11, 2015
Thank you, Pamelalee. Important to note that Noelle is a volunteer who originated the idea of Holiday Food Swap quite awhile ago. As a community we get to have this work - communicate with Noelle, thank her, and communicate with the person who was to send your gift and let her/him know of your disappointment. The majority of givers/receivers worked. Important to highlight the cases where it did not so we can all have it work next year.
Merrill S. January 11, 2015
So sorry to hear this; we care very much that you have a great experience! It's possible that no one from Food52 saw your comments if they were within other threads. I suggest you email Noelle, who sent you your original assignment, directly. She should be able to send a note to your giftee and to whoever was supposed to send you your package and find out more details.
nancy E. January 11, 2015
Thank you Merrill, I no longer have the original email for noelle. If you could message me that I would appreciate it.
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