Low Country food
My cookbook club is having a Low Country Cookout (it's cold, it's snowing, and we'll be outdoors but we don't care). The hostess is having oysters and shrimp shipped in; she'll steam the oysters in a burlap bag and serve them with homemade hot sauce. Someone is bringing Caviar Pie. This food is totally foreign to me. What would you Charleston area/Southern people bring to a party like this?
I think that this could make for a great Food52 recipe contest -- your best Lowcountry dish? :)
If the hostess is doing the seafood and you're bring something..the seafood is her call. Although the shrimp should be low country boil with potatoes, sausage, and corn (in summer as mentioned).
If the hostess doesn't know....get some "Zatarain" seasoning. In the bag. Put the bag in the boiling pot with a can of beer and a couple of lemons sliced up (That helps extract the spice bag flavors). Add in the new potatoes, sausage..and boil until the potatoes start softening. Oh, the sausage is your basic smoked sausage that's already cooked.
When the potatoes talk to you, put in the shrimp. Then in about 10 mins drain it and serve. If it's in the winter...maybe someone will have a big crock pot to keep it all warm. In the south in the summer it goes on newspaper outside.
For a side dish to bring.
Cheese straws would be great. Also Cheese Biscuits or cheese/sausage balls.
Google up "Bisquick" sausage/cheese biscuits. (or balls). Leave out the sausage if you wish. Very easy and very popular. It's a basic "bisquick" dough mixed with cheese (and/or cooked sausage). and spoon dropped on a sheet and baked.
How will she prepare the shrimp? Sounds like Low Country Boil might be in order?
Potatoes, shrimp, and sausage simmered in a flavorful broth. (Corn is only added in the summer.) If you just need a side dish for potluck suggestions would include cornbread and collard greens. If you want more of a starter, pimento cheese is always a hit, deviled eggs are a year round Southern go-to, or perhaps cheese straws. PS Food52 has my recipe for deviled eggs. Have fun! Bon Appetit Y'all! Virginia
I totally love that you guys are doing this.