Must I peel dried fava beans, after they soaked in water? Should I cook them before peeling? Can I skip peeling them altogether?

Ramiyun and Rugelach


Threemoons January 7, 2018
Old topic, but thanks for the confirmation--I accidentally bought unpeeled dried favas and I don't want them to go to waste, but I am NOT peeling them either.
Shuna L. January 28, 2015
Yes, you may skip peeling favas, especially dried ones. I, for one, think peeling fava beans is unnecessary and very time consuming.
Jan W. January 28, 2015
Sometimes skins of dried favas will start to shed upon rehydrating. Once dried the skins will become tough, therefore most people remove them altogether. However, it is common to cook and eat fresh favas unpeeled.
nancy E. January 24, 2015
You can get pre peeled favas dried. I would peel them after soaking because that is how I learned, some think you should not peel favas ever. Do what works for you.
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