Speaking of guilty pleasures...Taylor's Ham..or pork roll! I can't get it anymore living in CA. People visiting from the northeast usually bring me a pkg or two, but it's been ages. Anyone else indulge occasionally? How do you prepare or eat it? I may just finally order some. Convince me!

  • Posted by: Soozll
  • December 30, 2010


Soozll December 30, 2010
Oh! Grits is a good idea! You are right, aargersi, it is pretty salty and not something anyone should eat on a regular basis, but it is my guilty (read: almost embarrassing, unhealthy, non foodie-esque) pleasure! You know, I had originally thought that this product was a southern thing. I was so surprised to discover that it is the pride of New Jersey! It so fits with the flavorful, salty kind of sausage type meat so often found in southern specialties, that I just assumed that was it's origin. I'm surprised it hasn't made it's way south! (I'm not dissing the south, I'm from Maryland and we do our share of "product" type meat!)
aargersi December 30, 2010
My Aunt Pat is addicted to that stuff! We have to bring her one whenever we visit (she lives in the BVI) and we usually justslice it fry it in a pan, slap an egg on top and serve it with toast. It is SERIOUSLY salty so I wouldn't add any salt anywhere else. I BET (though haven't tried) that it would make a darn good hash with potatoes, and/or chopped up, fried and served with grits-n-eggs.

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