Can you freeze caponata?

caponata by sdebrango

Helen Drezner


amysarah April 24, 2015
I agree with ChefJune. Don't freeze it. But not only does caponata keep well in the fridge, it actually improves after a day or two. I make it often in the summer - great to have on hand, goes well with any grilled/roast meat, chicken, fish, in omelets, antipasto, on sandwiches, even on pasta...frequently by the spoonful standing in front of the fridge.
ChefJune April 24, 2015
I eat it that way too, amysarah - and ratatouille as well.
Nancy April 24, 2015
Agree with Chef June...don't freeze. Nothing scientific, just dislike taste and texture after freezing. Make small batches if you're afraid you won't use it up in time. If you already have lots, keep in fridge and - if or as necessary - heat through again in microwave or oven, eat, return leftovers to fridge.
ChefJune April 24, 2015
In my experience, it becomes VERY watery and mushy. Loses the texture that gives it its character. BUT you can keep it quite a long time in the fridge. I always store mine in glass containers. Same is true for ratatouille.
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