What can I sub for the quinoa flour? I have corn rice, potato, coconut, buckwheat, barley, and rye flours! Also, will arrowroot sub for the tapioc...

...a flour

Lemon Thyme Olive Oil Tea Cake
Recipe question for: Lemon Thyme Olive Oil Tea Cake


Nancy April 26, 2015
Also depends on how you want to affect the overall flavor profile. The buckwheat & rye are nuttier, more distinctive, most of the rest are neutral (except for barley, which has some but not as much as buckwheat or rye).
windycityvegan April 25, 2015
I think coconut flour would be good, or almond meal if you have it. And yes,you can sub arrowroot for the tapioca.
Windischgirl April 26, 2015
Thanks! I do have almond meal as well, but think I will go with the coconut flour. Making this for a GF friend, and think I will also make Mandelformar (Swedish Almond Tarts), so there will be a variety of goodies here. Sunday Bake Day!
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