I cut the recipe i half made this and made this two weeks go and they were great. This morning made them and they came out flat What might have...

...causes this

Dan McCarter
Cornmeal-Cherry Scones
Recipe question for: Cornmeal-Cherry Scones


PieceOfLayerCake April 27, 2015
When I hear "flat scones", I almost always find that a heavy hand is to blame. Err on the side of undermixing when it comes to scones and biscuits. Were they also dense? I have scone recipes that don't rise vertically, but still have a lovely open crumb and delicate texture. These don't look like what many Brits/Scots would consider scones, so I'm also not sure what your expectations are.
Stephanie April 27, 2015
I don't know about your area but it's been particularly rainy here the past few days. If they have worked previously, it's possible that factors beyond your control (humidity) were to blame!
ChefJune April 27, 2015
I can think of a couple of possibioities right off the bat: you overworked the dough? or your baking powder and/or soda was old. Plus, if you check out the photo of the scones -- which BTW sound divine -- they don't look as if they raised a whole lot. That doesn't surprise me, as cornmeal is lacking in gluten which helps bread products to rise.
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