buttermilk sub

I always do the '1 tbsp white vinegar per 1 cup milk' buttermilk substitute--but if I'm making waffles for people who are lactose intolerant, what is the best way to go about substituting for buttermilk? Thanks

Mary Grace


Lexie May 1, 2015
You can substitute buttermilk with lactose-free yogurt.
Mary G. May 1, 2015
Thank you! I will play around with the baking soda/powder :)
recipe: https://food52.com/recipes/26840-sriracha-cheddar-cornbread-waffles
AntoniaJames May 1, 2015
Actually, I think that if you use a teaspoon of lemon juice to a cup of almond milk, or whatever ratio is your workaround for making buttermilk, the acidity should be fine, and you won't need to change the leaveners. Let us know how it turns out! ;o)
AntoniaJames May 1, 2015
Almond milk works great. You can add a touch of lemon juice to the batter to give it a bit of tang.
What are the other ingredients in your recipe? Leaveners are often adjusted to account for the acidity in buttermilk. ;o)
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