Anyone have recommendations for a good website to buy spices? Thanks!
Hey all, I've been looking around for a good website that has quality spices for a decent price. Just wanted to see where other people might be buying.
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Hey all, I've been looking around for a good website that has quality spices for a decent price. Just wanted to see where other people might be buying.
I don't know where you live, but if you are in the San Jose area, The Spice Hound has nice spices and is a local area business.
The same is true for cinnamon. There are now so many different types of cinnamon available. Some taste great for some uses, but not others - generally baking vs. sprinkling - so resist the temptation with the first order to buy a larger quantity. ;o)
Wind is awesome! Her spices are always fresh and organic. She's a love too.
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