non-traditional uses for sweetened chestnut puree

Have made Mont Blanc dessert. Other ideas to help use up a gift 2 lb can, which I know must be used in a few days once opened? will a sweet puree work with fruits, vegetables, meats, other?

  • Posted by: Nancy
  • May 28, 2015


sexyLAMBCHOPx May 29, 2015
How about a rogue version of kugle?
Nancy May 29, 2015
SLC - three reactions: laugh, worth a try, maybe not so rogue - lots of chestnuts in (Eastern) European cuisine.
Susan W. May 29, 2015
Nancy, I had chocolate bread pudding at a restaurant in Laguna Beach years ago that had chestnut puree incorporated in it. It was topped with steamed milk. It was fabulous. My husband had their vanilla bread pudding and he thought he detected the puree as well, but we never asked.
Nancy May 29, 2015
Susan - these sound good, thx
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