How to add the most nutrition (protein, minerals, etc) when making stock from chix, pork bones, etc.

I already cook them at a bare simmer til all the gelatinous parts dissolve. I add some lemon juice, AC vinegar to help get calcium from the bones. Any other ideas? Would it be a help to crack turkey leg bones to get to the marrow, etc? I recently lost my job and am trying to make my food/nutrition go farthest. TIA from Dian

  • Posted by: windin
  • June 9, 2015


windin June 10, 2015
@ Karen: I'll have to go look for Kroger's discounted meat section. I only go there rarely. And again: from my heart, thru the internet, thru your eyes, to your heart, bright blessings to you, as well. dian
windin June 9, 2015
@ Uncle Jess: great idea. I'm in a whitebread Midwestern town. Think Meijer and Kroger. But I will ask them. And I'm my queen of beans for the no soak method: start them on the stove, then move to a low oven. I often do several kinds in different pots at a time. The black beans, when they come out, are so good, I'll have several bowls with just a wee bit of butter. Nothing better. My thanks for your kind response.
Susan W. June 9, 2015
I so feel your pain. I was laid off in 2009 from an executive position that I had held for 11 years in 2009. I kept a brave face, but I was devastated. I restarted a Personal Chef/catering business that I had for years prior to being a single mom. Best thing that ever happened. You never know where adversity will lead you.

Don't forget to forage through Kroger's discounted meats. I grab stuff and toss it into my freezer and think about it later. I'm happily retired now from a very successful business, but still reaping the financial benefits from a smart sale. My frugal life has stuck with me. never know where this will lead you and I love you are focused on your health.
Garlic F. June 9, 2015
I'm sorry to hear about your job loss. Been there. I don't know how convenient it is for you, but to help you stretch your dollars, I know fresh foods from Asian groceries are usually cheaper than regular supermarkets. You can buy cheap bones for stock and the bones usually still have meat on them. I don't know if you eat fish, but a lot of American supermarkets just throw away fish heads and will give them away if you ask for them, but salmon heads are very nutritious and make great stock; I like them for miso soup. Buy things that are in season and seconds. Bum scraps/bones/food off your friends. Move closer to me, since I regularly feed unemployed friends or those who need better nutrition :) Good luck
Uncle J. June 9, 2015
Definitely crack your bones.
Chicken feet make good nutritious stock and come free or cheap. Even Whole Foods sells them for next to nothing.
And for good cheap nutrition, think beans!
windin June 9, 2015
Dear garlic fiend: with the day I've had today, your kind empathic response fairly unhinged me. In a good way! My Asian grocery is an 'international grocery' and I've often thought of going there for ingredients I've read about in recipes. I never thought about them being cheaper. I already buy things in season/on sale/seconds.
::from my heart, to my fingers on the keyboard, thru the 'net, to your eyeballs, and heart. Bright blessings to you, my friend.
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