Souffle question. What goes up...

I'm planning to make April Bloomfield's Goat Cheese Souffle (A Girl/Pig) for guests in a few days. She says it can be made ahead, and will re-puff upon reheating. Busy week, so making it the night before would be great. I've made souffles, but don't recall reheating - has anyone tried this? Did it rise again?



sonya August 10, 2015
I have heard that this works, though I haven't done it myself.
amysarah August 10, 2015
I made it - didn't reheat this time (just did the base a bit ahead of time) but will definitely make it again. Big hit all around. Next time maybe I'll try her reheating suggestion and report back.
ChefJune July 29, 2015
Sounds like a good idea, amysarah. I usually experiment with guests, just not GUESTS!! - if you get my drift. :)
boulangere July 28, 2015
Good plan, amysarah. And if you change the method to one you are more comfortable with, well, it's yours, not April Bloomfield's.
boulangere July 26, 2015
Any reheated protein is always tougher the second time around. You've already heated and expanded the ovalbumen in the egg whites, substantially dehydrating them in the process. You're just not going to get a good puff the second time around. Soufflés are always best prepared, baked and served all in that order with no holding or reheating involved. The very name derives from the French "soufflé," for "breath." It doesn't matter whose name is on it. Bake it once and put your name on it.
amysarah July 26, 2015
Thanks, that's what I thought, why I was skeptical in the first place. As I said, I only very occasionally make souffles - always to serve right away - and it's definitely true egg dishes generally don't appreciate reheating. But April B's intro note so specifically encourages doing exactly that, so....hmm. Regardless, it looks delicious - I've decided to bake right before this time, and test her reheat suggestion later, with no guests. (Put my name on it? Maybe I'm being dense, but, huh?)
sexyLAMBCHOPx July 25, 2015
I found this link and her comments about making ahead

Like this!! Golden brown goodness! The best part for me is the crispy nutty almond crust. So good! I made this early in the day, let it cool completely, wrapped in plastic and chilled in fridge. I reheated for dinner in a 325° oven for about 15 to 20 minutes, it puffed right back up and it was amazingly perfect.

I cant find my souffle dish so I haven been attempting any, but it looks like she made hers in a casserole-type dish.

Good luck!
amysarah July 25, 2015
Thanks for this, sexy (can I call you sexy? ;-) So helpful! (That almond crust looks delicious with the goat cheese.) AB doesn't do it in a souffle dish either - she calls for a round/oval baking pan with 2" sides.
amysarah July 25, 2015
Thanks Cav and Chefjune. I'm thinking I'll prep the pan (coat with almonds) and make the base that morning. Then I can add the egg whites and bake before dinner. I'll experiment with April's suggestion when I have a chance, and no guests, to see how a rise redux goes.
ChefJune July 24, 2015
It's going to depend upon what you're looking for in that "rise." It's not going to be as light when it's reheated. I've not made that particular souffle, but I've reheated aplenty of them, and they're certainly not the same.
Cav July 24, 2015
Not made that particular recipe,but I have successfully reheated souffles. Both from a base that was kept in the fridge over night and already cooked and collapsed ones. The second didn't rise again especially high, but it did rise.
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