What's a good substitute for goat cheese?

CS Itchon


Nancy August 17, 2015
Most goat cheeses are soft, though some of those shaped in logs are aged or smoked and get a bit drier or harder.
Why are you substituting not having it on hand or lack of liking goat cheese it?
If simply not on hand, and you can get/use cotija, haloumi, or ricotta salata.
If you don't like the taste of most goat & sheep milk cheeses, avoid them for fear of wasting the ingredients in the lovely frittata. Substitute with blue cheese, a brined cows milk cheese, even some cream cheese or fresh ricotta.
Last note, if you don't generally like goat/sheep milk cheese, don't give up on them entirely. Try them once in a while, say at a cheese platter, where you're not risking a whole dish.
HalfPint August 17, 2015
Maybe some ricotta.
sexyLAMBCHOPx August 17, 2015
You could try feta cheese.
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