What can you use as a substitute for goat cheese?



lizzyinthekitchen July 8, 2013
You could try a whipped feta.
healthierkitchen July 8, 2013
Trader Joe's currently has an Israeli feta in a yellow and green package and I sometimes see it at WF and my local organic market.
JanetFL July 8, 2013
Thanks for the tips, healthierkitchen!
nutcakes July 8, 2013
For an omelet with vegetables you can use almost any cheese you like. The goat cheese is just making it special, but I wouldn't rule out any melting cheese either, or just some parmesan or other hard cheese sprinkled on the veggies.
Kristen W. July 7, 2013
Good to know, healthier kitchen. I never knew that...
healthierkitchen July 7, 2013
If you can find it, try Israeli feta as it milder and slightly less salty than some of the others.
JanetFL July 7, 2013
Interesting! I've never seen Israeli feta but will now look for it.
QueenSashy July 7, 2013
Same here. Feta would work great.
JanetFL July 7, 2013
Yes, like Kristen W., if I don't have goat cheese on hand for a Mediterreanan dish, I use feta. Different but equally delicious!

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Kristen W. July 7, 2013
Well, feta has a different flavor than goat but will generally work with Mediterrenean ingredients.
Kim,Mooney July 7, 2013
The dish is a Mediterranean veggie omlet
QueenSashy July 7, 2013
It will depend on the dish... Could you provide more info? In terms of flavor, there is no real substitute, but you could use an entirely different ingredient and give the dish a new spin...
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