Fresh Pumpkin
I bought a small pumpkin at Whole Foods from their outside bin. No idea what kind it is. I want to make a dessert that's basically chunks of pumpkin in some kind of sugar or honey or some such sauce. Anyone ever do this or know how to do it, and is there a partic. type of pumpkin to use? My MIL makes this but she lives in another country, doesn't speak English and I don't speak her language, lol. TIA
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Type of pumpkin...small is always good, as usually sweeter and less starchy than large ones. Sugar pumpkin or jarrahdale pumpkin also usually good.
Use a sweetener that is local or flavorful or pertinent to a cuisine you know and like. Maple syrup, particular flower or tree honey (like chestnut, or Tasmanian leatherwood) , rice syrup, or your choice.
Cut up, remove seeds, bake in wedges (on no stick sheet pan or with light coating of butter or good oil).
After cooling, trim the rind, cut in slices or wedges you want to use for serving.
Use one or two spices with a light hand.
Serve with your choice of cheese, whipped cream, ice cream.
Garnish with some dried fruit or nuts.
Serve with Sauternes, Riesling or sparkling wine.