winter squash, what kind is this

Yellow with orange stripes (not green, so probably not delicata), about 9 inches & 1 lb. what variety, and how best to cook. Would like to wait to cut open until just before I cook, but if you need interior color to ID, I will cut and photograph insides. Mystery veg of the week, anyone.

  • Posted by: Nancy
  • November 10, 2015


Nancy November 11, 2015
Cooked it sweet (with maple syrup, like acorn squash) and savory (bread pudding instead of the zaatar this time).
Both were delicious.
Squash turned soft and creamy...almost like pumpkin filling in a pie. Thanks for all your searching/suggestions.
Nancy November 10, 2015
Here's the photo I thought I posted with the question.
Does this help?
Susan W. November 10, 2015
What a great color. It looks like a delicata variation..sort of. Definitely not banana or spaghetti, so I think treating it like Delicata will work. I'm going to look around for fun though.
702551 November 10, 2015
Looks like a delicata squash to me. Both green stripes and orangish-brown stripes are commonplace. The stripe color can be very deep, other times it can be quite light.

Very tasty, enjoy.
Nancy November 10, 2015
Thanks both for more info. yes, Susan, saw your phot & no it's not round, nor spaghetti squash (I know those).
Chops, I thinknk it may be delicata, which would be lovely. Thought they had to have green striped.
Will make it tonight and finish 2 ways...with maple syrup and with Zaatar & olive oil.
Susan W. November 10, 2015
I saw the variegated spaghetti squash which made me wonder. A picture would be's fun to play Nancy Drew with vegetables.
sexyLAMBCHOPx November 10, 2015
Delicata Squash or Sweet Potato Squash maybe.
The oblong delicata squash has lemon-colored skin streaked with green or orange. The meat is a cross between butternut squash and sweet potato, so much so that it is also called sweet potato squash. It is also known as Bohemian squash.
Susan W. November 10, 2015
Nancy, take a look at this. Could it be a spaghetti squash variety?
Susan W. November 10, 2015's the link.
Nancy November 10, 2015
Thanks SusanW. No not round. Long, like but not as banana squash see reputed to be. Could it still be that variety you name?
Susan W. November 10, 2015
Not sure Nancy. Can you see my profile pic? The munchkins are pictured. Can you see the two round squash?
Susan W. November 10, 2015
Nancy, is it round? It sounds like a munchkin. I got several from my farmer last week and treated them like acorn squash. The skin was more delicate, so it was quite edible. I'm making Thomas Keller's soup with browned butter and sage.
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