I have some turducken sausage that I am going to grill for an appetizer for Thanksgiving. Any ideas for a good dipping sauce?

  • Posted by: jeinde
  • November 14, 2015


jeinde November 16, 2015
At Maiale in Wilmington, DE. They have a website www.maialecuredmeats.com. Don't know if they do mail order, but make great and interesting sausages and cured meats. Janet
HeatherDubs November 16, 2015
A cranberry chipotle mustard sauce would be delish
sexyLAMBCHOPx November 16, 2015
@Jeinde Where did you buy the sausage Turducken?
702551 November 15, 2015
The first dipping sauce I'd consider for any sausage would be a good mustard. THAT IS A DIPPING SAUCE.

Other accompaniments would be fermented items like sauerkraut (VERY easy to make at home). If you want to provide a selection, I suggest other fermented veggies, like miso paste or kimchi. Their acidity is a good foil against the fat/meatiness of the sausage.
ktr November 16, 2015
I agree. My first thought when it comes to sausage is sauerkraut and mustard.
ktr November 16, 2015
And beer. Nothing goes better with sausage and mustard than beer.
jeinde November 15, 2015
Thanks for the replies. I'll probably go with the Giddy Swamp sauce because its name would look so fun on the menu.
QueenSashy November 15, 2015
Buba Mac's Giddy Swamp, South Carolina Mustard Barbecue Sauce might work really well https://food52.com/recipes/21962-giddy-swamp-south-carolina-mustard-barbecue-sauce
sexyLAMBCHOPx November 16, 2015
That Giddy Swap sauce can make poop palatable - so good!
nance November 14, 2015
Prepare the whole cranberry sauce recipe from the back of the bag of fresh cranberries exactly as printed. After it has mostly cooled, stir in one or two heaping tablespoons of coarse grained (stone ground) mustard. That's it! It will be the perfect piquant yet traditional accompaniment.
AoibhinnGrainne November 14, 2015
Cranberry Salsa. Make it really thick for dipping or spooning on chunks of Turducken sausage. Don't forget to add some Cajun spice to it. Or a nice, French Creole moutarde. Turducken is rich, so add some bright flavour with the condiment.
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