Will it work to use red and purple sweet potatoes n place of white in the autumn vege root gratin? Can yucca be used since it is starchy?

Candace Decker


Candace D. November 24, 2015
Thanks! I just wanted to ensure I had enough starch for a "rich" consistency.
HalfPint November 24, 2015
Yucca would be a wonderful addition.
Caroline L. November 24, 2015
red and purple sweet potatoes would definitely work! i've never cooked with yucca, but i think it would work just fine.
Samantha W. November 24, 2015
I think you could! I've made this gratin with acorn squash and carrots in the stead of parsnips and butternut squash and it turned out just fine; think it would take to most root vegetables. Seems like yuca would be a fine fit -- this article is a good resource: https://food52.com/blog/12433-all-about-yuca-and-how-to-put-it-to-good-use.
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