I made turkey stock for gravy but when it cooled it was like jelly? Will it be ok?



[email protected] November 26, 2015
Thanks all. The gravy was excellent.
amysarah November 26, 2015
The hardened, more opaque top layer is the fat - you can easily remove it in pieces. The gelled translucent part below is the stock - and a very good one, if it turned to jelly.
Melissa November 25, 2015
Yes! It will be great when reheated. The gelling is the result of collagen in the stock and a sign of a nice rich stock. Just reheat/whisk and enjoy!

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Jeremy B. November 25, 2015
Yes! Turkey stock (like all stocks) gets gelatin from the bones. This will congeal when it gets cold (just like jelly). It should thin out when it warms up again. Just be gentle and stir while you warm it up.
max J. November 26, 2015
Correct, plus the fat will float to the top and harden so it is easy to transfer to your schmaltz pot.
Kenzi W. November 25, 2015
Yes ma'am! This is likely the fat congealing. Stick a piece of saran wrap directly on the top of it while it chills (this will prevent a "skin" from forming), and then just rewarm when you're ready to eat. It should loosen right up.
Kenzi W. November 25, 2015
Ah! I thought you meant the gravy—working a little too fast. :) The stock jellying is definitely the fat content. It too will loosen right up when it's warmed back up, but no need to put saran wrap on its surface!
Cav November 26, 2015
Tsk tsk.
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