Using up almond extract

I've just gone through my collection of extracts and flavorings and discovered I've somehow accumulated 4 different bottles of almond extract. Any suggestions for some good recipes to use some (a lot) of it up?



Emily L. December 2, 2015
How about marzipan? I've never made it but it has quite an overwhelming almond extract flavor to me and would also be a good holiday gift!
amysarah December 2, 2015
A drop of almond extract can be a nice note in a large variety of baked goods...but emphasis on the drop. A little goes a very long way, so unless you're a huge baker, 4 full bottles could be years' worth. They'd probably keep fine, if sealed, but I'd also be inclined to give at least a couple away, share the wealth!
Nancy December 1, 2015
here are some:
any chocolate cake;
most puff pastry dessert recipes;
dairy or soy smoothies or milkshakes;
home-made chocolate bark (a great Christmas gift);
sweet squash & almond side dish that's served with tagine;
most spice or honey cakes;
oatmeal or peanut butter cookies.
Garlic F. December 1, 2015
I like it in my coffee or hot chocolate
QueenSashy December 1, 2015
works with tea too...
Stephanie G. November 30, 2015
Add a teaspoon to your sugar cookies along with vanilla extract.
QueenSashy November 30, 2015
when in pinch you could also use it to flavor cocktails and smoothies
Coco E. November 30, 2015
Almond extract is great for Chinese almond tofu, or if you're making a big cherry pie, a teaspoon mixed in would really make it pop. Try it in shortbread and pound cake as well - treat it like vanilla whenever the recipe involves a citrus or berry, it's brighter and more refreshing than the same old.
drbabs November 30, 2015
I would give 3 of those away. Almond extract is really strong--you'll notice that the recipes that contain it don't use much.
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