What should I do with SO much seaweed?

I was the lucky editor who got to take home all the seaweed from this shoot: https://food52.com/blog.... But now I want to eat it! It's taking up a lot of room in a very small pantry.

I'm thinking a seaweed and soba salad with mustard greens and a spicy fish sauce vinaigrette and either silken tofu or diced firm tofu. Recipes and advice appreciated!!

Sarah Jampel


Leith D. December 15, 2015
Add it to stir fried noodles (wheat or rice recipes) ramen or dry some and make your own togarashi....you pick the seasonings.
Andrea N. December 9, 2015
Seaweed is like the kale of the sea. In fact, I make a kale and seaweed salad. Not kidding. It's kind of life-force charging: http://www.vietworldkitchen.com/blog/2013/05/asian-kale-and-seaweed-salad-recipe.html

I also make summer time Korean seaweed soup. Cool and refreshing: http://www.vietworldkitchen.com/blog/2012/07/korean-chilled-seaweed-and-cucumber-soup-recipe.html

Many people associate seaweed with Japanese cuisine but the Koreans use it like crazy; look on the packages of kombu and many times, it comes from Korea. I was once gifted a Korean pantry in the mail and there was a lot of dried seaweed along with the requisite kimchi. I get lots of interesting mail.

Viet people make a salad with seaweed but it's not super duper common. The dressing is fish sauce, lime, chile, sugar. It's good but I have to say that seaweed and soy sauce make better friends.
BoulderGalinTokyo December 9, 2015
I looked through my posted recipes and I haven't used seaweed in any of them-- My Bad!
Other than the nori and agar agar , you could put in here
or any hot pot treatment. If you use konbu to make dashi or in the hotpot, you can eat the knobu after cooking.
Lindsay-Jean H. December 9, 2015
Naomi Duguid wrote in to say the following:

"I'm thinking a seaweed and soba salad with mustard greens and a spicy fish sauce vinaigrette and either silken tofu or diced firm tofu. Recipes and advice appreciated!!"

That sounds delicious. I'd be tempted to give it a little more texture by sprinkling on crispy fried shallots or else crispy fried slivered ginger. And perhaps add a dash of sesame oil to your fish sauce vinaigrette, and lime juice rather than vinegar... Another option would be fresh lie leaves scissor cut into fine needles and tossed in: very pretty bright green and also a nice aromatic citrous edge.
LeBec F. December 9, 2015
Sarah, For Seaweed, it's the Japanese who are the Queens of Seaweed. There is a small paperback cook book i got recently- the only one i could find thru Amazon-on seaweed. But I haven't read it yet. There are so many kinds of seaweed, hundreds at least. I watched a youtube last week on using beach-gathered seaweed as a great veg garden mulch. I believe drying any kind is an option, to extend your use of it and put off any urgency you are feeling. The J use Kombu for their dashi (basic broth, the base of their amazing cuisine) along with katsuobushi (shaved bonito flakes). VERY good for you because of sea minerals. I myself enjoy many kinds of seaweed that has been dressed with some sort of soy/mirin/sake/sesame oil dressing with toasted sesame seeds or tobiko- for a flavorful and crunchy counterpoint to the chewy seaweed. Your recipe idea is a great one too. Kabocha squash stew w/ tamari and seaweed...... Great stuff; so much to learn. Wouldn't it be great for 52 to bring in a Japanese seaweed expert for a 52 demo/workshop on different seaweeds?!
Now, THAT would be fun!
LeBec F. December 9, 2015
o.k. sarah, my face is beet red now, after reading the linked seaweed piece. which i had not seen before. boy do i feel dumb. sorry.
Susan W. December 8, 2015
I see noir in the photo, so assuming you have some of that to use, I love this rolled omelette. I have it often. If I'm just making it for myself, I use 3 eggs and two half sheets of noir. I don't bother straining the eggs and for simplicity (aka laziness), after I slice it, I drizzle with sriracha. My favorite breakfast right now.
Susan W. December 9, 2015
Nori..not noir. :)
LZ December 8, 2015
This is my very favorite seaweed salad recipe. Addicting! http://www.pbs.org/food/recipes/seaweed-salad/

Else, seaweed, any kind, makes for a healthy snack.
Cav December 8, 2015
If only there was an article, say on a popular food website, that delved into what one can do with various seaweeds...
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