Danish Ebleskiver Pan and Thai Kanom Krok Pan?!

I was looking at various tantalizing Thai desserts tonight, and I came across this -Kanom Krok, which appears to be a Thai coconut version of ebleskiver(or vice versa; don't know either's origins) The Thai pan- because of its weight and size- looks to be a better investment than an ebleskiver pan. Any thoughts or experiences? thx much!

LeBec Fin


Windischgirl December 20, 2015
Like Cookbookchick, I wonder how a wide pan will fit on a standard stove. I too had aebleskiver dreams. Finally found a reasonably priced aebleskiver pan at World Market, http://www.worldmarket.com/product/aebleskiver-pan.do
Taking it for a test drive this week when my Scandinavian Princess comes home from college.
Nancy December 20, 2015
To me the Kanom Krok pan immediately suggests multiple uses, in addition to the pastries, it could be used (stove-top or in the oven) to make miniature dumplings, hors d'oeuvres, muffins, puddings.
If you have the space and the type of household where that cooking would be useful, seriously consider it.
In either case, I would recommend only buying either one if you can think of frequent and multiple use. (Speaks the voice of sad experience - falling in love with a pan or a tool that I used rarely, and eventually gave away.)
cookbookchick December 20, 2015
I have a cast iron ebelskiver pan that works fine turning out nice little pastries. It's also easy to store when not in use, as it's not something I use frequently. I would question how to heat a 16 inch pan on a home stove. I have a gas stove and even a 12 inch cast iron skillet does not heat uniformly at the outer edges. Also, filling and turning all those depressions on the Thai pan would appear to be a demanding chore best left to the street vendors who practice it every day.
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