Citrus Explosion: bergamot and pink lemons on the way (10 lbs each)

I think I am pretty much set on the bergamot. I can dispense with half if I go with the Blue Chair marmalade recipe (considering also Kevin West's Saving the Season blog recipe). The rest I will save in the form of frozen zest, candied peel, frozen juice, syrup/cordial, and most definitely in some chocolate! Maybe a spoon fruit, if the aroma is not killing me by Sunday! I have searched the internet (The Bojon Gourmet has me set with scones and a few other treats) and many cookbooks, but if there is something I am missing let me know.
The variegated pink lemons were more of a silly whim, especially since I now know that the juice is not truly pink. I am already well stocked with preserved lemon and some pickled meyer lemons (plus an ample lime supply). Any ideas? I definitely plan to freeze juice and cordial for summer drinks. I am not sure how the peel will look (it is green and yellow striped in photos I have seen) so not sure if limoncello will be pretty. Considering a jelly. I thank you in advance for helping my fridge space issue.



Diana B. February 1, 2016
May I ask where you ordered the bergamot from? I've been wanting to try in in home canning recipes, but never see it at my farmers market.
Valhalla February 2, 2016
The season is over but I highly endorse them for next year:
Diana B. February 2, 2016
Thanks, Valhalla. I took a chance and phoned; they were able to squeeze out another box for me, so I'm doing the happy dance!
Nancy January 7, 2016
David Lebovitz has a nice page, some recipes and links to more using bergamots.
Maybe some ideas you have yet to try:
Nancy January 7, 2016
David Lebovitz has a nice page, some recipes and links to more using bergamots.
Maybe some ideas you have yet to try:
MargaretB January 7, 2016
How about making citrus vinaigrette? Not sure if it really helps with fridge space, but depending on how much your friends enjoy salad you could even give some of it away. Here are some ideas:
I've never had bergamot or pink lemons in their fresh form, but they certainly sound exciting.
SeasonToTaste January 7, 2016
Candied peel would be fabulous! Also, you could can lemon curd or lemon marmalade!
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