Questions About 52 Recipe Contests
I have read the 52 reference pg. about the Contests but didn't see answers for the below questions.
1) when are the non-semi finalist recipes released so they can be edited further?(i.e. recipes not chosen for testing in this current Empty The Frig contest and recipes not chosen as the 2 finalists, announced today, in the current Best Thing You Ate This Year)
2) when are the Community Picks decided by the 52 Editors and when do those chosen-appear on the recipe author's profile page?(i.e. the current Best Thing You Ate) Thx much.
1) the editing feature is "locked" until the competition is completely finished. But if you wanted to submit a "locked" recipe to a newer contest, you just need to email the editors. All of the recipes seem to be "locked" even the ones not up for finalist or cp; "it ain't over till its over".
2) sometimes it happens that a recipe achieves CP status. If you see that your recipe is announced as a CP, there should be a notification on the recipe page (e.g. "this recipe is a Community Pick!" and there should be a review. It has happened that the eds forgot to either add this note or in some cases forgot to include the review. I guess I'm a stickler so when it's happened, I just send an email and they've corrected it. The eds. are very responsive and good that way.
Sometimes in the publishing rush things get overlooked (especially during busy times of year). So no matter the problem, you can write them and state the problem clearly, include a link to the recipe, and if there's an oversight, they'll correct it.
1. recipes that are not chosen as semifinalists or finalists will reopen for editing once the contest is completely over—that is, once a winner is announced. (this always happens on wednesdays.)
2. the community picks and finalists are announced on fridays—the friday about a month after the contest is announced. in the case of "the best thing you ate this year," the contest was announced 12/7 and the community picks/finalists were announced 1/8. the "community pick" or "finalist" designations appear on the user's profile page immediately.
polvorones was listed amoong the CPs on 12/7 but was not chosen as a finalist. but it is not among my CPs on my profile page. Does that mean that one of these was true: no one signed up to test it so it wasn't tested
OR it was tested but deemed not to be CP worthy? Thx for the clarification.
Being someone who hates to see my recipe errors uncorrected, I ask this: Would 52 consider freeing up all recipes (for editing)chosen in a contest's preliminary pre- testing when th semi-finalists are announced?
just wanted to clarify—your melt in your mouth maple pecan polvorones (which look delicious!) were nominated to be considered for a community pick; at that point, community members test those recipes, and we choose community picks and finalists based on the reviews of the testers. because your polvorones were not chosen to be community picks, they don't have the "community pick" designation on your profile. but you should be able to edit the recipe!
if you still are not able to edit the recipe, please email and we're more than happy to help (and we'll report at technical error to our tech team).