Contest start dates/timelines
Ok, please forgive me when I ask for these clarifications...I know you guys are so very busy with the site upgrades and the launch of the book...but...
I'm still confused about the contest timing. I understand the contest entry has been lengthened (hallejuah!) to two weeks, but is there a week off in between as well? for example, the candy contest ended last Thursday...when does the new one get posted?
Of course I went to your contest info button but it is really out of date again since the ipad topics are over...
Here's how: each Friday between now and September 2011, we'll solicit recipes for different themes (e.g. Your Best Shrimp Recipe, Your Best Chilled Soup, Your Best Summer Cocktail). You'll have until midnight the following Thursday to submit your recipes.
and which day AFTER the contest ends are the recipes announced that we can test for community picks? Is that posted under the articles tab? or news? or contests?