chipped beef gravy
My husband is requesting biscuits and chipped beef gravy for his birthday dinner. I have never made biscuits and gravy before. I'm pretty confident on the biscuits but I haven't found a recipe for chipped beef gravy. I was thinking of following wssmom's buttermilk biscuits with sausage gravy recipe, but I'm not sure if I can just substitute chipped beef for the sausage. And how much?
The box specs of chipped beef gravy on biscuits. Calls for hormels or armor's dried beef in the glass jar.
Chop that up and make a basic white gravy. NO SALT because the stuff is a salt lick as it is.
Ground pepper is important...And not the pepper from a pepper grinder...the cheap stuff in the shaker.
That means using something like the recipe from Fannie Farmer or another old-school cookbook (my guess is that Joy of Cooking has this recipe) or follow the recipe on the package. Unsurprisingly, Armour Star has a recipe for creamed chipped beef on their website:
The aforementioned Fannie Farmer recipe and the one from Armour Star are similar, but not identical. I'm sure both have been served countless times on American dining room tables over the past century.
You must figure out which version (could be one of these two, could be something else) is the one your husband remembers.
Good luck.
The top hit for a Google search of "chipped beef gravy" is a recipe at Serious Eats.
Here is the 1918 version of that recipe:
I think the chipped beef is sold in plastic packages in large grocery stores. A friend from Pennsylvania bought some down to me last year and said he bought it at a butcher, so, yes, it is still being made.