I am hosting a dinner party next weekend and cannot serve the following: Beef, Lamb, Pork, Duck, Gluten or Nuts - what the heck am I supposed to make?

It's for 6 people, one of whom is pregnant. I really don't want to do a whole roast chicken, but I don;t know what else to do. Thanks



Jeff M. February 27, 2016
Cajun or plain, grilled Shrimp and Grits. Simple, elegant and fitting for a small party.
Christiaan February 27, 2016
Goat curry.
JCarlyle1712 February 21, 2016
You could have a Mexican Dinner Party with homemade Corn tortilla (GF) and this Bean Dish http://www.gourmetgetaways.com.au/vegan-moroccan-spiced-beans/ served with Gaucamole, salsa and Tomatillo.
Margar January 23, 2016
I always make gluten free vegetarian lasagna, gluten free garlic bread (gluten free goddess has good bread recipes), and salad. We are lacto/ovo vegetarians and my daughter is allergic to wheat. To keep it vegetarian I just check the cheese to make sure there is not any rennet. Gluten free lasagna noodles are easy to find. ? Good luck!
Nancy January 22, 2016
It's almost the weekend of your dinner party, Jbraun 1220. Have you decided what to serve, or will you please tell us after the dinner how it went?
mia January 21, 2016
Easy. Option 1# Seafood pasta in a cream based sauce using brown rice spaghetti noodles (or any other gluten free noodles) Option 2# Whole roasted fish with a side of roasted vegetables salad with a nice lemony-thyme vinegarette Option 3# Thai coconut red chicken curry over steamed rice with stir fried bok choy, carrots, and onions as side. Dessert? Whole poached peeled pears in a merlot-cinnamon-star anise syrup
ktr January 21, 2016
Is that pear recipe posted here anywhere? That sounds delicious!
QueenSashy January 19, 2016
This poached cod with safron and tomato is a wonderful dish, it's been a huge hit at my parties (http://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/poached-cod-with-tomato-and-saffron). The additional advantage is that you can make the sauce ahead of time and then poach the fish for a couple of minutes right before serving. You can serve with simple cauliflower couscous and maybe fennel slaw on the side.
Summer O. January 19, 2016
Shrimp and grits, or something southeast asian inspired with rice noodles and a grilled chicken or fish.
boymeetsgirlmeetsfood January 19, 2016
Can't go wrong with a wild mushroom risotto at a dinner party! Jamie Oliver's Chicken in Milk with polenta or rice is also a good option for that many people, depending on the size of chickens available to you.
nancy E. January 18, 2016
People should be thrilled to be invited to a dinner party. they should not be putting restrictions on it.
nancy E. January 18, 2016
People should be thrilled to be invited to a dinner party. they should not be putting restrictions on it.
Kristen W. January 17, 2016
Arroz con pollo!

Voted the Best Reply!

breakbread January 16, 2016
But the best, is the classic Chicken Marbella from silver palate cookbook. This can pass as elegant (I always use skinless thighs and legs). Jeweled rice (parsley and sprinkle of pomegranate seeds) and a side of cubed roasted butternut squash. Super easy, crowd pleaser and did I say relaxing for enjoying your own party?
SeasonToTaste January 16, 2016
A vegetarian shepherd's pie would also be a good option
breakbread January 16, 2016
I always think s flavorful chicken and rice bake is great for six people. It's less work than risotto, once prepped, needs no attention. Salad w citrus and perhaps a selection of gluten-free dinner rolls and wheat rolls.
luvcookbooks January 17, 2016
Asopao de pollo is a delicious dish w rice, chicken and peas cooked in soffits and chicken broth. With a salad, you have a meal. Rice pudding for dessert if you haven't served rice yet. Vietnamese tapioca w bananas and coconut milk is a delicious dessert. Diana Kennedy has a recipe for mangos flamed w rum, in Nothing Famcy.
Nancy January 16, 2016
If the pregnant woman eats fish, then consider a whole roasted or salt crusted one, all very dramatic, in Mediterranean or Chinese versions. Or appetizers from sardines, anchovy, herring. Avoid fish high in mercury like swordfish, king mackerel or tilefish.
Or, as someone suggested if you want a more informal main, go mexican with Huevos Migas.

Last, one of several beans & rice combos like mujaddara (lentils), rajma curry (kidney beans), fava bean pilaf (Middle East).
Nancy January 16, 2016
Should be, Mexican. And another huevos migas recipe, this one written in English:
SeasonToTaste January 16, 2016
How about bbq sauce-glazed roasted salmon over polenta?
SeasonToTaste January 16, 2016
Paella would also work!
luvcookbooks January 17, 2016
Vegetable biryani is a fancy dish. Shrimp biryani. Vegetable curry of some kind. MAdhur Jaffrey has a great recipe for okra curry.
StrawberryPye January 16, 2016
Depending on how formal you want your dinner to be, I like the taco idea already suggested. Fish tacos can be delicious too. Never underestimate how much people freakin' love tacos. Or enchiladas. You can make up a pan of those ahead of time and just pop them in the oven. Serve with beans, rice and salad.

For something more formal, maybe a side or two of salmon, depending on where you live, or roast trout is pretty simple. Roasted potatoes and vegetables, and bob's your uncle.

I wouldn't worry too much about making chicken if it comes to that. It's a classic for a reason, a home and hearth type meal that is a very symbol of hospitality. And there are so many ways to make it.
anne7hall January 16, 2016
How about a risotto (you can par cook it ahead and finish it just before serving it) with salmon. Or Ina's chicken with 40 cloves of garlic with rice or polenta. Good luck!
702551 January 16, 2016
Chicken tacos with beans and rice.
SusanSeattle January 16, 2016
How about mushroom bourguignonwith Polenta? It's my favorite meal when I have vegetarian friends over.
I love this recipe:
You could use a gluten-free starch instead of the flour to thicken it.
Susan W. January 16, 2016
How about salmon, rice pilaf and this lovely broccoli. Something chocolate for dessert. A fish stew would be nice too.

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