Where can I buy lamb kidneys?

When I was a kid, you could buy lamb kidneys in any supermarket. Now they have disappeared, yet I see some restaurants occasionally have them. Where can I buy them in NY or online?

Lisa M Levengood


Em February 11, 2016
Small farms will sell any part of their meat, including heart, kidneys, tongue, marrow bones, and liver. Find out what small meat farms come to your local farmer's market, send them an e-mail to reserve some kidneys for you, and then pick them up on the next farmer's market day. I do this when I want marrow bones for soup.
Lisa M. February 11, 2016
Thank you!
caninechef February 12, 2016
If you can not find anyone this way Google Hudson Valley lamb. I found quite a few farms pop up on such a list.
Jessica R. February 11, 2016
White Oak Pastures in Bluffton, GA, sells them (and just about any part of the animals they raise, as they are a farm focusing on animal welfare and environmental sustainability). They list their products online and will ship, but I have no idea about the shipping costs. If you can find a local place near you, obviously that would be a better choice, but these folks are really great.
amysarah February 11, 2016
Good idea about a Halal butcher. I haven't been, but have heard good things about Honest Chops in the East Village - since they're a "whole animal" butcher, maybe they'd have it: http://honestchops.com/

Lisa M. February 11, 2016
Thank you!
Lisa M. February 11, 2016
Thank you!
SusanKP February 11, 2016
I would check a halal meat market.
foofaraw February 11, 2016
Agreeing with halal meat market. They usually butcher the animals themselves. The one near me even raises the lambs and goats themselves.
Lisa M. February 11, 2016
Thank you for your answer!
Lisa M. February 11, 2016
Thank you!
ChefJune February 10, 2016
You will probably have to make a special request at a real butcher shop (Try Pino's on MacDougal just south of Houston) or at the Union Square Greenmarket on Saturdays at the Catskill Merino (lamb farm) stand. I'm sure either place can get them for you.
Lisa M. February 11, 2016
Thank you for your answer!
pierino February 10, 2016
You will have to go to a real butcher for those. And it may require a special order. Some lamb parts e.g. lungs, can't be sold in the USA.
Lisa M. February 11, 2016
Thank you for your answer!
Lisa M. February 11, 2016
Thank you for your answer!
Lisa M. February 11, 2016
Thank you for your answer!
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