What to do with a tub of Cool Whip?

I bought two tubs of Cool Whip for an egg-dyeing experiment, but only ended up using one of them. I don't love the flavor straight-up, so how should I use the second tub? Icebox cake? Other ideas?

Lindsay-Jean Hard


Fishfly13 October 28, 2021
Ya’ll are way too hard on something such as cool whip. What kind of elitist snobs follow this page? We’ll call me white trash but I for one, love cool whip
Miss_Karen November 30, 2018
Stir in 2 (6 or 8 oz) containers of yogurt. Put it into a Graham cracker crust & chill until set or pop it into the freezer for quicker set up.
Picholine November 29, 2018
Make a deceiving dessert with the 8oz Tub Of cool whip ..mix two of your favorite fruit on the bottom yogurts with the cool whip and spoon into a prepared Graham cracker crust. Cover and freeze. Thaw about a half hour before serving. Serve with a dollop of whipped cream or cool whip. It’s really like a chiffon and I forget about the chemicals in the cool whip! It’s good . Don’t tell anyone what it is .lol
FoodFanaticToo March 28, 2016
I know someone who makes a no-bake peanut butter pie with it. It's one of those recipes from those coil-bound fundraising cookbooks where people contribute recipes.
Picholine March 28, 2016
Toss it!
Rachel March 25, 2016
Lindsey-Jean, if you want to go really retro, you could make a jello salad and top the bowl with cool whip. My mom used to make a jello salad called Cherry Coke Salad (it was definitely more of a dessert), but you dissolved a package of cherry jello in hot water, then instead of using cold water you use an equal amount of coke. Then fold in a can of pie cherries and allow to set. Top with cool whip. Insane amounts of sugar now that I think about it, but it's fun to remember nonetheless. Whatever you decide to do with your cool whip, enjoy and have a good easter! :)

PS your dyed eggs look fabulous!
mainecook61 March 25, 2016
About time someone mentioned Jello. My grown children have happy memories of eating fruited Jello with Cool-Whip when they visited their grandmother. They knew I wouldn't ever serve it!
Bascula March 25, 2016
No need to be a food snob: you don't like it (or the idea of it), you don't eat it.
That said, we love this: fold together a tub of Cool Whip (8 oz), two matching containers of flavored yogurt and a complimentary flavored box of Jello. Pour into a graham cracker crust and either chill or freeze. A lime version is enormously refreshing on a summer day.
Saffron3 March 28, 2016
I thank you for this. I'm going to try it in both fat free and regular. Lemon or lime. This is exactly what I've been looking for, to please an older client who insists on a chilly pie in summer. Again, thanks.
Em March 24, 2016
Alright, I've never made this recipe because it's almost obscenely indulgent, but I've always fantasized about it. It's called Ice Cream Lasagna, and it awakens the child in me.
Ingredients: ice cream sandwiches, Cool Whip, hot fudge, caramel sauce.
Directions: Layer ingredients in order two or three times, like a lasagna. Freeze to set, then eat.

inpatskitchen March 24, 2016
My grandkids just LOVE this recipe (and to tell you the truth, so do we) and so I'll make it once or twice a year for family gatherings.
Kristen W. March 24, 2016
You know, context plays such a powerful role in formulating our opinions on these processed foods many of us are nostalgic for - I had a roommate in college, for example, who had never had a Twinkie, and when I finally made her eat one she thought it was totally nasty. I was baffled - I had never met anyone who thought Twinkies were gross, but they of course WERE pretty gross without the associations from childhood to bolster them. Personally, I like Cool Whip (although I haven't had it in years), but there was always a tub of it in the fridge when I was a kid, so there ya go.
ktr March 23, 2016
I just remembered, I think dirt cake uses cool whip. That was always a favorite when I was a kid. I think it's vanilla pudding, cream cheese, milk and cool whip mixed together and then layered with crushed oreos. And then a few gummy worms on top of course!
TobiT March 23, 2016
One thing that I don't think has been mentioned is that cool whip has been a real life-saver (perhaps more appropriately "godsend") for kosher home cooks. I'm no fan of the stuff myself, but non-dairy topping can be very useful if you need to make a dessert to follow a meat-based meal. As a kid, I attended many birthday parties that featured spaghetti and meatballs followed by a cool whip-coated cake. Somehow we all survived.
Maedl March 23, 2016
If you are using Cool Whip with a meat meal, you should recheck the ingredients. I think it was reformulated some years ago and now contains dairy products.
Susan W. March 23, 2016
Maedl is correct. It contains skim milk as the first ingredient and also light cream further down the list.
Lindsay-Jean H. March 23, 2016
Thanks all for your responses, much appreciated as always!
Regine March 23, 2016
Yum yum. I could eat one Suzanne.
Regine March 23, 2016
Susan let me know how it turns out. And here is my opinion about cool whip. Hey, maybe I am not gourmet but it can taste quite good in desserts. Many things in life are not good for you but there are food worse than cool whip that many of us eat. My motto is moderation.
Susan W. March 23, 2016
Here they are. I made them in glasses. I've been known to eat a peep or two this time of year too. Guilty pleasures (really, no guilt involved) are fun.
Dona March 23, 2016
I'm really curious about the Easter egg dying experiment ! Care to share the details?
Lindsay-Jean H. March 23, 2016
If you google "shaving cream easter eggs" you'll find multiple hits. Basically, you're swirling food coloring through shaving cream (or Cool Whip for a (slightly?) less chemical-laden option, if you're concerned about eating the eggs) and then roll the eggs through it.

It was a mess. In the attached photo, the pale blue ones are what I got when I tried to roll the eggs through as directed, the Cool Whip just didn't stick to them at all. Round 2, I still swirled the colors, but then sort-of piled the Cool Whip on top of the eggs with my hands, and let it dry there for a bit, which resulted in the more vibrant purple ones.

I can see how you could get better results with shaving cream though, I think it would stick to the eggs better!
ktr March 23, 2016
While I agree that cool whip is not something to be eaten on a regular basis I do remember eating it frozen as a kid and while I do not really like the flavor of cool whip, I did like it frozen.
Also, if you purchased it recently and it is unopened, you may be able to return it to the store.
Lindsay-Jean H. March 23, 2016
I used to eat it frozen as a kid too!

Voted the Best Reply!

Alexandra V. March 23, 2016
Honestly, the elitism in these forums is like putting a cheese grater to my brain....why should we make people feel dumb for asking a question? Let's stop one upping and be nice. In the 70's butter was bad for you....food trends change and if folks are putting themselves out there to ask questions why be snarky? Share your wisdom not your bias. (getting off soapbox)
Susan W. March 23, 2016
I totally agree. I was going to say something, but wasn't in the mood to be thrashed. Such iconic foods are fun once in a while. Snobbery does not make anyone an accomplished chef or home cook.
Greenstuff March 23, 2016
You're right, of course. But in this case, the questioner is a long-time Food52 employee, https://food52.com/users/78236-lindsay-jean-hard

She can take it, or maybe she'll dish it back.
Maedl March 23, 2016
If you ask a question, then you are asking for opinions and advice. Answers don't always have to be enabling. My 'wisdom,' based on having eaten Cool Whip, and having the unpleasant experience of its mouthfeel, chemical taste, and resulting burps tells me to stay away from the stuff. I am not an elitist, but I do want to eat foods that taste good and are worth the calories--and don't detract from other good ingredients. I ate Cool Whip once or twice when it was force-fed in school and college cafeterias and would not encourage anyone to use it, particularly if there are available alternatives.
ChefJune March 23, 2016
Sorry, I'm not thrashing anyone. But Cool Whip isn't good food. It has a lot of chemicals in it that are not healthy. Go ahead and spend your money on it if you like it, but Lindsay-Jean asked for advice on what to do with it, and I said what I would do.
Maedl March 23, 2016
I think I would toss it, too--unless you can give it to someone who actually uses it. I feel guilty when I throw out food, but I am not sure Cool Whip qualifies as food.
LeBec F. March 23, 2016
save it for a photo shoot or toss it................................p.s.was this a serious question or a joke?
Alexandra V. March 23, 2016
My mother made one of these every Thanksgiving in the 80's and 90's, to this day she still buys cool whip. It is dairy free so it can be a great vegan alternative if you need one and it freezes amazingly well. Honestly I wouldn't toss it out...try this instead. http://www.kraftrecipes.com/recipes/cool-n-easy-pie-53370.aspx
Alexandra V. March 23, 2016
I take that back...it may have traces of dairy, I haven't eaten it for so long I didn't remember. But the pie is good!
Susan W. March 23, 2016
It does contain dairy. First ingredient is skim milk. It also contains cream. I thought it was non-dairy as well.
Regine March 23, 2016
I say icebox cake if you have a sweet tooth like me. You don't even need a recipe. For example, take oreo cookies, dip them briefly in milk and/or rum, and alternate layers of cool whip and cookie. Refrigerate overnight to allow cookies to soften up.
Susan W. March 23, 2016
I had to walk next door and buy Oreos and cool whip to make this. I giggled at myself the whole time.
TobiT March 23, 2016
I'm intrigued by the rum-dipped cookies. Might even have to try some cool whip to go with them.
HalfPint March 23, 2016
I would make a trifle with it, but then I like Cool Whip. You can also make this,http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/no-bake-strawberry-cheesecake-354029

It's similar to the Strawberry Cheese Pie that they make at MonkeyPod on Maui. I need to have this pie daily whenever I'm there. It's that good.
Rhonda35 March 23, 2016
Use it for the "why Cool Whip is bad for you" experiment (demonstrated by a middle school health teacher many moons ago): put some in the toilet and try to flush it - it won't go away. This is exactly what it does to your arteries - stays there forever.
Rhonda35 March 23, 2016
PS - I'd just throw it out - it couldn't have cost much and it has no nutritional value, so you're not wasting food.
James H. November 29, 2018
Because your arteries are just like a toilet. Really?? What a ridiculous experiment!! Total junk science. Stop polluting our kids minds with this nonsense. Just because something is "natural" or "organic" doesn't mean it's bad for your body. The opposite is also true. Mercury, lead and arsenic are natural.
dsullyo March 23, 2016
There is an Orange Creamsicle Poke Cake that is out there that uses a mixture of Cool-Whip and instant vanilla pudding as the frosting. Great for BBQ's and Potlucks. Always a winner.
Susan W. March 23, 2016
My master plan was to never tell anyone about this guilty pleasure. I use real cream to top it.
Cav March 23, 2016
Cover yourself with it and pretend to be the Marshmallow man from Ghostbusters as he melts.
ChefJune March 23, 2016
Read the ingredient list. I would toss it. Nothing there but chemicals - unless they've seriously changed the formula.
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