love the Go-To Pancakes from Vegan book. They are very thin, like crepes. Recipe says baking powder; any chance it should be soda? Other ideas?

They taste great, but there is just no rise at all, and they are taking ages to cook -- far longer than what seems normal, for such a thin better. I thought maybe baking soda, rather than powder, since the recipe also calls for cider vinegar. If they are not meant to be so thin, and soda isn't the answer, then I'm stumped on what to do. Thanks!

  • Posted by: Lauren
  • April 7, 2016


Gena H. April 7, 2016
Hi Lauren,

I'm sorry to hear you're not getting rise! I'd check the baking powder first, to be sure that it's active. But otherwise, you can try adding an extra 1/2 teaspoon baking powder and also decreasing the liquid by 1/4 cup. I hope that this helps fix things!

Lauren April 11, 2016
Gena, thank you for your advice. I'm not sure what made the difference, as I did all of these things plus played around a little with my griddle, but I have now made two more batches and they have been wonderful. It was a joyous Saturday morning as we watched these beautiful pancakes puff right up. I have also made the granola bars, which even my vegan-skeptic daughter loved, and I took the sweet pea hummus to a church function last night. I received at least four requests for the recipe. Hats off to you!
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