Is it true that most chefs, caterers and bakeries are using Cool Whip in their desserts these days instead of whipping cream?

Cool Whip Useage

Donna Bolshon


BerryBaby April 16, 2016
I've had some that taste like an imitation whipped topping. Has that 'stick to the roof of your mouth' consistency. It's terrible.
paseo April 15, 2016
Susan is right. Maybe at Denny's. I cannot imagine any self respecting baker using that stuff.
Brenda W. April 15, 2016
I would never use cool whip where whipped cream is called for. Cool whip is much sweeter.

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Susan W. April 8, 2016
I'd have to say a big no on that. Grocery store bakeries maybe. There are ways to stabilize whipped cream.
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