I found a bunch of Le Creuset pans in a box next to my neighbor's garbage yesterday - score, right?!! Most of it is in great shape and just needs a scrubbing. However, a couple of the casseroles have a few chips in the enamel on the inner surface. Is this anything I need to worry about or are the pots still useable? Please advise...
"Ms. Thomson,
The only problem would be they might rust but just dry them and, if you
want to, put a tiny amount of cooking oil on them to prevent the rust
each time. Keep in mind that the piece could chip again and be in the
food after it is cooked. If you want to return read and follow these
instructions as you would be charged for replacements if you send them
The reply then goes on to instruct me on the how-tos of sending the pans back and states that, if I was the original owner and the chipping was not due to misuse, they would replace the pans for free. (FYI for any of you who may be original owners with chipping issues.)
So, I am happy - sounds like my found treasures are useable and safe. Now, time to get cooking!
Wow. I just can't believe it could be the enamel coming up from the LC.
I think it would be helpful if I confessed why the small pot is ruined, no, damaged: I was making kasha, toasted the grains, added water without taking the trouble to heat it first -- cold water on hot pot... I didn't know what had happened until I ate it, and wondered what all the crunchy stuff was. So, don't do that!!