How can I make purple popcorn in a movie theatre popper?

I've tried soaking the popcorn seed in dye for 18+ hours then letting them dry out completely, but that makes the kernels purple and the outside pinkish. I tried adding dye straight into the popper with the oil, but the dye isn't strong enough to overpower the yellow of the oil so it comes out a gross looking green. I don't have a million dollars to buy gallons of purple food coloring, so can anyone familiar with commercial popcorn machines think of anything? I have to figure this out by tomorrow night.

  • Posted by: katelyn
  • April 28, 2016
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Rachel April 29, 2016
Could you add purple food coloring to melted white chocolate and drizzle over it after popping?
TobiT April 28, 2016
Sounds like Purple Rain coming soon to a theater near you!
sexyLAMBCHOPx April 28, 2016
Just a random thought... Can you add the food coloring to the butter for the color?
katelyn April 28, 2016
I think that would work but we were hoping to make all of the popcorn purple, not just for people who order butter. Plus when I tested it it was harder to get the coloring to disperse in the butter so it's not very good coverage. I think that's our last resort though. Thanks.
Wendy F. April 28, 2016
The Great American Spice Co.sells purple popcorn kernels and they deliver within 24 hours. As well has a purple popcorn recipe that may help??? and if you type in colored popcorn on Pinterest there maybe some others methods that would help in this situation!!!!! Good Luck!
katelyn April 28, 2016
The Amish country purple corn like they sell on that website pops white, with the inner kernel slightly purple. But the outside isn't purple. The other recipes don't really work for a commercial
popper like at a movie theatre, I've tried. Thanks anyway.
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