HELP! Balslamic vinegarette has congealed in a lovely decantur and I'm having trouble "dissolving" it to get it out!

It is almost like jello! I've stuck a slim knife up in the decantur - tried everything, and I cannot get it out. I don't want to throw the bottle away as it is part of a lovely oil/vinegar set.

Virginia Dryden


BakerRB June 12, 2016
This happens to me too with olive oil vinaigrettes. I place the bottle in a bowl of hot water. Shake the bottle now and then, reheat the water as needed, and eventually it will liquefy.
pierino June 12, 2016
Add plain white vinegar to hot water and the combination should loosen and dissolve any stuck on stuff. You might have to repeat a couple of times but scraping is a waste of time.
BakerRB June 12, 2016
This happens to me too with olive oil vinaigrettes. I place the bottle in a bowl of hot water. Shake the bottle now and then, reheat the water as needed, and eventually it will liquefy.
amysarah June 12, 2016
If the decanter is microwave safe, try that for a few seconds to liquefy the solidified oil.
Virginia D. June 12, 2016
Okay, I'll try that! Thanks much!
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