OK - awkward question of the week....Does anyone know how to enter a recipe in a contest if it's been entered in an earlier contest? When working from the edit recipe page, I don't seem to have the option to submit to an active contest with recipes that I've entered before. It just says that this recipe is participating in the other contest. Thanks!



healthierkitchen January 19, 2011
Thanks drbabs! That did the trick.
drbabs January 19, 2011
Click on the contest tab. Just after the description of the contest, is a tab that says "see all entries and submit a recipe." All your recipes will come up at the bottom of the page. Find the one you want to submit and click on "submit to contest." You will get a message telling you that you won't be able to edit it, but you will be able to up till the contest deadline.
TiggyBee January 19, 2011
I could be wrong, but I think If the recipe is in the "test kitchen" you're out of luck for this one. If not, go to your profile, click on the recipe you want to submit and the option to edit/enter into active contest should be on the upper right hand corner (after the title of your recipe) : )
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