Help! I was planning to make Guinness Whole Wheat Quick Bread this weekend, but I forgot to make a stop by the store that has all the past-supermarket-level baking ingredients today and it's closed tomorrow. I need barley malt syrup for this recipe, and have none. I've never used it before. Is there a substitute? (I'm trusting I can find wheat germ in the health foods section of the supermarket, as I don't have that, either....)

  • Posted by: Kayb
  • January 21, 2011


Kayb January 22, 2011
Thanks, friends! I have honey -- have molasses -- just reread the recipe (which would be thirschfield's, from his blog) -- and it says wheat bran, not wheat germ, and I have that -- so a stop to pick up Guinness, and I'm set to go!
Sadassa_Ulna January 22, 2011
I agree with everything above except honey and molasses are a little sweeter than barley malt so I would sub slightly less - maybe 90% to avoid making it too sweet?
monkeymom January 21, 2011
Hi Kayb! I'd try half the amount of molasses and half honey. The barley malt syrup has a molasses like flavor to me, but not as strong. Or even just molasses if it is the lighter kind, like Grandma's sweet.
lifestooshort January 21, 2011
Brown rice syrup also works, or cane syrup--but they might be just as hard to get, depending on where you live, and won't give you that deep malty flavor. BTW, a lot of health food stores stock barley malt syrup.
plevee January 21, 2011
Just use the same amount of honey.
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