I am cooking off some duck liver and was wondering what seasonings or flavor profile would go well with it.



innoabrd January 26, 2011
Seems the only time i cook a duck's liver is when I'm cooking a duck, so I've usually just got one and make a little snack for me and the wife before the guests come. Some caramelized onions (properly done, not mushy 'hacked' ones...) and salt and pepper are all I need!
brandon January 26, 2011
actually just last night I made a little terrine where I sauteed the livers with sweated shallots, duck fat/butter, thyme, garlic and sauterne. then I blended it with a little cream salt and pepper. Next i put candied orange peels and walnuts on the bottom. works well but be careful with the orange
foongfest January 25, 2011
I like it sauted with salt & pepper then used in an omelet. (might be a little gamey for some)
Either that or a Chinese style stir fry with tons of ginger and pepper.
I guess if you're making a paté, you could use some herbs de provence.

FYI, I think nasi lemak is freggin awesome for breakfast, especially with good sambal.
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