The menu:..main: beef burgundy, mashed potatoes with onion and parsnips, a brussell sprout side of some pairing ideas????



obleak1 January 31, 2011
Probably an Old World style Oregon Pinot Noir 2008 vintage. Look for producers in the Dundee Hills AVA.
Kayb January 29, 2011
I'd go with a red zin. Franciscan is my favorite, if you can find it; I haven't been able to the last few times I've tried. Big, hearty red blends are another way to go; I love the Orin Swift 'Prisoner."
java&foam January 28, 2011
hahahaha, then I think your wine "prayers" have been answered! i like surprising my guests with varietals they are familiar with (like a Riesling or a Chardonnay) but from a place in the world they wouldn't expect, like South Africa or New Zealand. mix it up!
zametkin January 28, 2011
I love a good syrah!..
java&foam January 28, 2011
wine spectator paired a syrah with beef burgundy, but many rich reds would be great for that. make sure its full-bodied, as you want something that can hold its own with the rich beef stew, which usually already has wine in it. as for actual wine picks, i'm sure there are TONS of food52ers who would LOVE to help you out. i hope this helped!
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