I picked up a package of Lamb Shoulder Fillet, something unfamiliar to me. They are 3 little fillets, about 2-1/2x4 they are nicely marbeled on the outside and look lean in the center. Anyone have experience using these? I'm not sure what to do with them and a web search isn't helping so far.



nutcakes February 3, 2011
Thank you for the Kofte recipe, sounds right up my alley.

Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. I will buy this again, I got a great sale proce for expiring that day meat and I kept it 2 more days and it still seemed really fresh.
PattiinMS February 1, 2011
Try Kofte
2 lb. lean lamb
1 medium onion
2 green onions
2 cloves garlic
1 Tbsp. dry parsley
2 Tbsp. salt
1 tsp. black pepper
1 c. bulgar wheat
1 egg beaten
¼ c. toasted pine nuts
4 oz. feta cheese
Grind lamb. Add onions and garlic to lamb and regrind. Mix bulgar wheat
with 2 c. water, bring to a boil, turn off heat and let steep for 20 to 30 minutes.
Add parsley, salt, pepper, bulgar wheat and egg to lamb mixture and blend
thoroughly. Make into meatballs stuffed with the pine nuts and feta cheese.
Brown meatballs, place in greased dish. Cover with Köfte Sauce and bake at
350° for 45 minutes.
The Kofte Sauce
1 medium onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 large cans tomato sauce
1 small can tomato paste
¼ tsp. ground cinnamon
¼ tsp. allspice
1 pinch ground cloves
1 bay leaf
black pepper
¼ c. red wine and have one for the cook!
Saute onion and garlic with olive oil. Add remaining ingredients and
simmer. While this is simmering have that red wine for yourself.
susan G. January 31, 2011
Charmoula would be a great compliment:
pierino January 31, 2011
If indeed they look like those pictured I would be thinking about a tagine as opposed to kebab. I think they could possibly use some braising time and you could still deploy your harissa and couscous.
Sam1148 January 31, 2011
A chimichurri sauce with the kabobs would be nice. Many recipes out there, but a basic mix of olive oil, chopped parsley, lemon juice and red pepper flakes. Whisked in a mini-prep would be a nice side sauce with the Harrisa and yogurt flavorings.

And maybe some mint in there too.
hardlikearmour January 31, 2011
kebabs sound like a great idea! let us know how they turn out.
nutcakes January 31, 2011
Looks like you can do about anything with it. Here's what they look like:
I'm trying kebabs, have them in a yogurt marinade now. I couldn't decide between marinating in Harissa or yogurt so I put Harissa in the yogurt. The suggestion to make into burgers was probably a good one too, because they do have some fat on them.
hardlikearmour January 31, 2011
This recipe sounds delicious, though may not be what you were thinking: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/emeril-lagasse/lamb-stew-with-herbes-de-provence-recipe/index.html
I'd also think about grinding it: http://www.food52.com/recipes/149_lamb_burgers_with_cilantro_yogurt
nutcakes January 31, 2011
I bought it at Fresh & Easy Market in CA. They are owned by the British company Tesco and often have some British products. I might search on UK websites for ideas.
isabelita January 31, 2011
Ohhhh! I can't wait for the answers. This cut sounds yummy. By any chance was it purchased in NYC?
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