I can't whip eggs. Do they have any other uses?

I have been whipping eggs and sugar for an hour and have come to the conclusion they can not be whipped. Do frothy eggs and sugar have any other uses?

Sade Ahmadi


sexyLAMBCHOPx October 2, 2016
Maybe a breakfast casserole?
Maedl October 2, 2016
What are you trying to make and how are you whipping the mixture? If you have them at the frothy stage, that sounds like you are moving in the right direction.
Catherine October 2, 2016
How much sugar and how many eggs? If you're not allergic to nuts, you can add some other spices (I use child powder, cumin, cayenne, and all spice), toss in some pecans and roast them. The ratios I have are 1 egg white to 1/4 c. sugar to 2 cups of pecans or almonds.
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